

For more general information about Follow Me printing, see Follow Me printing.

Please note, this guide is for unmanaged macOS computers where you have local administrative rights.

Only two printers/print queues are installed on BSG Macs: BSG Follow Me Colour and BSG Follow Me Mono.

Installing the Printer Queues

  1. Make sure you are on the BSG wifi.


  1. Download, unzip and install the Ricoh 5503 printer driver package: Step 1 - Printer drivers.

Click Continue button


Click Continue again


Click on Agree


Click Install


Enter your administrator username and password when prompted and click on OK


After installation is finished click on Close


2. Download, unzip and run the installation package: attachment: Step 2 - Install BSG printers.

Unzip dowloaded file. Once the done, right click on Step 2 - BSG Guest Printing and select Open


Enter your administrator username and password when prompted and click on OK

Once the task is completed click on Quit

14.png 15.png

When you print for the first time, it will be asked you to authenticate. In your dock look for the icon of the printer (as pictured) and click on it. 10.png

Printing will be on hold and application will say Hold for authentication. Please click on the refresh button (circled red the picture) 11.png


You must use your BSG credentials in format BSG\yourusername1234, this is the same username and password that you use to connect to the BSG Wifi or student iMacs. 12.png

If printing was successful application will look like on the last picture.


itbsg: FMPrinting/macOSGuest (last edited 2018-10-09 11:06:13 by bsog0138)