Last updated at 2016-06-15 09:41:42 by oucs0089

Wireless networks

BSG – the School's private wireless network

Members of the School should always connect to the School's private wireless network called BSG. The network requires you to log-in using your BSG account. Please find more specific instructions for your operating system below:


eduroam_trans_200pix.png The School also provides the eduroam wireless network. eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming wireless access service developed for the international research and education community. It allows its users to visit other organisations and use the same username and password as they would use at their home institution.

Oxford users please refer to the IT Services help pages on eduroam.

For self managed devices and visitors we recommend using the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT). The eduroam CAT is the easy way to set up eduroam WiFi on your laptop or device1 and ensures a standardised setup of devices and assurance that the configuration will work most effectively with eduroam.

  1. Oxford users go to the Self Registration Homepage to set up a Remote Access Account if you do not already have one.

  2. Go to the Eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool and choose Oxford University.

  3. Download the installer for your operating system.
  4. Run the Installer and use your Remote Access username and password.

OWL - Oxford visitor wireless network

OWL can be used by University members using the University VPN client. Please find instructions at the IT Services instructions on OWL for University members using VPN.

OWL provides for visitors with sponsored guest accounts a convenient way of Internet access.

  1. Android version 4.4 (KitKat) and above are supported through this tool (1)