Last updated at 2017-03-30 16:07:15 by bsog0078

Summary of room and space booking permissions

Teaching spaces, meeting rooms and common areas are bookable resources in Outlook/Exchange and Plan-on.

Spaces are grouped by intended use, and in some cases the ability to book a room in advance is restricted to certain teams.

Note: most rooms are fitted with room booking screens, which allow users to book an empty room for 30 minute meetings as long as no meetings are currently scheduled in that room.

Please see the following article for more details:

Room Booking Screens

Teaching spaces

Only bookable by Programmes and Events teams.

Teaching has priority and rooms will be held by the MPP team until the teaching schedule is confirmed, priority then falls to the Events team. Please ask a member of the Programmes or Events teams to book one of these rooms on your behalf if you want to use one of these spaces.

  • Lecture Theatres
  • Seminar Rooms

Common areas:

Normally not bookable, the Events team are the only people that can book these spaces for high priority internal or external events.

  • Forum
  • Green Room
  • Restaurant
  • Window to the World
  • Reading Room
  • Student Study Area
  • Terrace
  • Common Room
  • Leonard Blavatnik Room and Suite

Meeting rooms

Bookable by all authenticated users.

  • Group Working Rooms
  • Large Meeting Room
  • Board Room
  • Small Meeting Rooms