Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name

Encryption key FAQ

Securely sharing encryption keys.

Never share the link to an encrypted file and the encryption key using the same transmission mechanism.

For example, email the link to a file, and then send the encryption key by text message, never send the file and encryption key by email.

Creating secure passwords / encryption keys.

  • Always create long, random encryption keys. For example, 20 characters, with a random combination of lowercase and uppercase alphanumeric and symbols.
  • Never re-use encryption keys

Securely storing encryption keys


You can generate and store encryption keys in the Mac application Keychain Access.

  • Open the Applications folder, browse to Utilities .

  • Open Keychain Access.
  • Select Local Items in the sidebar labelled Keychains , select the Keys category.

  • Select the + icon to create a new Keychain Item.
  • Give the new Item a memorable 'Keychain Item Name' for example 'Keka' (as a category).
  • Set a meaningful 'Account Name', for example, the name of the encrypted file.

1. Keychain_Access.png

  • Select the key icon, and use the Password Assistant to generate a new passphrase with the following settings;

    • Type: Random; Length: 20

2. Password_Assistant.png

  • Select and Copy (cmd-C) the suggested password from the 'Suggestion'
  • Click the 'Add' button.
  • You can now paste the generated password into the 'Password' entry field in Keka.