For more general information of Follow Me printing, see Follow Me printing.
Please note, this guide is for unmanaged Windows computers where you have local administrative rights. If you are using a managed Windows computer please see Windows Printing, if you are using an unmanaged Windows computer and don't have administrative rights please see Web Printing.
Four printers/print queues are installed on BSG Windows PCs: Follow-Me-A4-Duplex-Colour, Follow-Me-A4-Duplex-Mono, Follow-Me-A3-Duplex-Colour and Follow-Me-A3-Duplex-Mono.
Installing the Printer Queues
Press the Windows Key and ‘R’ on your Keyboard and enter the following:
\\bsg-prt01.bsg.ox.ac.uk and press Return
You will then be prompted for your BSG username and Password. In username start with BSG\your SSO username
The printer queues will appear in a new Explorer Window. Right Click on the following print queues and click on Connect:
- Follow-Me-A3-Duplex-Colour
- Follow-Me-A3-Duplex-Mono
- Follow-Me-A4-Duplex-Colour
- Follow-Me-A4-Duplex-Mono
Printer drivers used are the Ricoh 5503 drivers which can be obtained from http://support.ricoh.com/bb/html/dr_ut_e/re/model/e_22c/e_22cen.htm