Browse to the OneLan CMS and sign in with your domain account.
Click the "Media" link and select "Files and Folders" from the menu
Select the "Upload Files" link and enter a descriptive name (ideally containing the date of the event) and click "Create Folder". This will create and navigate to a new folder.
Select "Upload Files" again, press the "Choose Files" button, this will open a file browser, select the file(s) you wish to upload, then press the "Upload Files" button.
N.b. We tend to use the following playlists:
BSG Circulation Nov2015 - applies to main circulation areas; reception & lift lobbies on Level 0-3 & 5
BSG Student 2017 - applies to student areas; Level -1 WC, outside Group Working Rooms, lift lobbies on level -1 & 4.
Content should be loaded to Zone A for each of these playlists. Content can be loaded to more than one playlist if appropriate.
Click the "Playlists" link and select the playlist and zone you want to assign the content to.
Select "Files and Folders" and navigate to the content you uploaded earlier
Click the "Add" button to add the content to your playlist (note, you can add a folder if you have a lot of content.)
Select the Playlist link, you can use the "edit" button to change the properties of each playlist item. Key options are: Play Criteria - here you can decide which days and times content will be displayed.
Click the Channels link, and select "Manage Channels"
You should now see links for the two main Channels currently used;
BSG Circulation - applies to main circulation areas; reception & lift lobbies on Level 0-3 & 5
BSG Student - applies to student areas; Level -1 WC, outside Group Working Rooms, lift lobbies on level -1 & 4.
Select the upload button to publish content to each channel as appropriate.