Last updated at 2018-09-20 08:49:25 by bsog0078

Downloading the MPP Schedule for Apple iOS mobile computers

Download the BSGSchedule App

  • Search for "BSGSchedule" on the Apple App Store;

Download the MPP Teaching Schedule

  • Open the BSGSchedule App
    • IMG_1398_s.PNG

  • Enter the Guide Passphrase hw6prtkd

  • Download and open the MPP Teaching Schedule
    • IMG_1399_s.PNG

  • Chose whether you would like Notifications.
    • Notifications will be used to; alert you to important updates such as room or time changes, and you may set reminders for sessions in "My Schedule".
    • IMG_1400_s.PNG

Exploring the MPP Teaching Schedule

A guide to the features in the BSGSchedule and MPP Teaching Schedule can be found here: