Last updated at 2017-12-01 12:16:44 by bsog0078

Blavatnik School of Government IT Acceptable Use Policy

All Computer equipment and services are provided by the University to further the academic purposes of teaching, research and engagement.

It is a condition of use that all users comply with the Blavatnik School's acceptable use policy, and in particular agree to:

  • Comply with UK and International Law
  • Not use University systems to access or transmit offensive indecent or unlawful data or content.
  • Not use systems to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety to individuals.
  • Not to infringe copyright.
  • Take no action (or through inaction) affect the confidentiality, integrity or accessibility of data or systems.

All users are advised to read the attached acceptable use policy.

ITPolicies/Blavatnik School of Government – IT Acceptable Use Policy.pdf