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Voicemail via telephone

Voicemail Overview

Your voicemail can be accessed either using the telephone (dialling into the voicemail system) or via the web portal. These instructions are for the telephone method.

Some users find the voice prompts to be confusing. This guide therefore gives you the sequence of options to enter to short cut the voice prompts. There is no need to wait for the voice prompt at each stage.

Set your voicemail password

You will need to set a Chorus voicemail password in order to change your greeting or to access voicemail using the phone. To do this:

1. Go to https://register.it.ox.ac.uk/self/chorus_pin.

2. Enter a six digit numerical password in the password fields (see note below).

3. Make sure you remember the voicemail password as you will use this to listen to your voicemail messages.

TIP: The resulting message will advise that the voicemail password will be available for use in ten minutes. If you try to use it before it is ready, you will be advised that the voicemail password is not valid, and your account will be locked after three attempts. If this happens, you can wait for 30 minutes and try again – there is no need to call the Service Desk.

Record your name

The first time you access voicemail using the phone, you will be asked to record your name. This will insert your recorded name into the default voicemail greeting so that it becomes “The party you have called, [Recorded Name], at extension ##### can not be reached. You may leave a message or transfer to another extension. To leave a message, begin speaking at the tone, or to transfer out of Xpressions, press 0”. (Xpressions is the name of the Chorus voicemail system).

1. Lift the receiver and press Messages.

2. When prompted for your password, enter your voicemail password followed by #.

3. When prompted, record your name and then enter *.

4. To replay your name, press 73.

5. If you are happy, press # to end. Otherwise, to delete & rerecord your message, press 61, and resume at step 3.

6. You can now hang up.

To listen to and manage messages

When you receive a voicemail, the red indicator on your phone will be lit and your phone will display the http://help.it.ox.ac.uk/sites/ithelp/files/images/Chorus-Voicemail-icon.png icon.

1. Lift the receiver and press Messages.

2. When prompted for your password, enter your voicemail password followed by #.

3. You will be told how many messages you have.

4. Press 3 to listen to your first message. If you have more than one message, the latest one will be played first.

TIP: You will not be able to do this if you do not have messages.

5. You can either hang up to end the call or:

a) Press 7 to replay message.

b) Press 4 to save message.

c) Press 6 to delete message.

d) Press # to respond to message. This gives further options to forward the message or call the number from which the message was left.

e) Press 2 to skip to the next message.

f) Press 5 to return to main menu.

Record a new personal greeting

The default voicemail greeting is “The party you have called, [Recorded Name], at extension ##### can not be reached. You may leave a message or transfer to another extension. To leave a message, begin speaking at the tone, or to transfer out of Xpressions, press 0”. (Xpressions is the name of the Chorus voicemail system.)

If you want to replace the default greeting with a personally recorded greeting:

1. Lift the receiver and press Messages.

2. When prompted for your password, enter your PIN followed by #.

3. You will be presented with a series of options. To fast track to the option to record a new greeting, enter 8111. There is no need to wait for the options to be read out before entering this number.

TIP: if you hear ‘invalid selection’ after entering the number above, enter 311 and resume from step 4 below.

4. When prompted, record your greeting and press *.

5. To replay your message, press 73.

6. If you are happy, press # to end. Otherwise, to delete & rerecord your message, press 61, and resume at step 4.

7. You can now hang up.

Recording multiple regular greetings

The instructions above cover how to set a single voicemail greeting. In Chorus, this is known as the ‘alternate greeting’. Some areas may want to have different greetings for different scenarios. These are known as ‘regular greetings’, and the following are available:

  • Busy – this is the greeting callers will here when the line is busy, useful to let your caller know that you are there but on the phone, as opposed to not there.

  • Internal – this is the greeting that internal callers will hear.

  • External – this is the greeting that external callers will hear.

  • Outside Hours – this is the greeting that will be heard for calls outside hours. You can set which hours are considered outside hours.

Important: to record a new regular greeting you first need to deactivate your alternate greeting:

1. Lift the receiver and press Messages.

2. When prompted for your password, enter your PIN followed by #.

3. You will be presented with a series of options. To fast track to the option to deactivate your alternate greeting, enter 813. You should hear the message ‘Your alternate greeting is now off’. Pressing 3toggles the alternate greeting on and off – make sure it is off.

4. Press # followed by ones of following:

a) Busy greeting – 81221.

b) Internal greeting – 81231.

c) External greeting – 81241.

d) Outside hours greeting - 81251.

e) When prompted, record your greeting and press *.

f) To replay your message, press 73.

5. If you are happy, press # to end. Otherwise, to delete & rerecord your message, press 61, and resume at step 4.

6. You can now hang up.

If you want to review or change your voicemail time profiles, see the following section.

Setting your voicemail time profiles

1. Log into the web portal (web.chorus.ox.ac.uk).

2. Click on your name and choose Settings.


3. Click on General.

4. Scroll down to voicemail configuration and click on Configure your voice mail here.


5. The OpenScape Xpressions log in screen will appear.


6. Enter your extension number in the mailbox / ID number field.

7. Enter your voicemail password in the PIN field.

8. Choose Time Profiles from the Personal Settings menu.


9. The Time Profiles window will appear.


10. Where you have recorded greetings, these will be shown as ‘Personal’ in the drop down box. In the example above, a greeting has been recorded for Internal and Busy. Where greetings have not been recorded (in the example above, External and After-hours, the default greeting will be heard. The default greeting is “The party you have called, [Recorded Name], at extension ##### can not be reached. You may leave a message or transfer to another extension. To leave a message, begin speaking at the tone, or to transfer out of Xpressions, press 0”.

11. Use the check boxes against business days to specify your working days.

12. Change your working hours in the Business hours section if necessary.

13. Calls received on a day not checked as a business day, or received outside the specified business hours, will be played the After-hours message.

14. Click Save.

Setting an Out of Office voicemail greeting

An out of office voicemail greeting is similar to setting the out of office reply in Outlook – it is a personalised message informing callers that you are away and any other required details such as who to call in your absence, when you are back, etc.

The out of office voicemail greeting takes priority over all other voicemail greetings. That is, if you have a personalised alternate greeting, or have recorded different personal greetings, these will not play whilst the out of office voicemail greeting is set.

When you record the out of office voicemail greeting, you also set the expiry date. At the end of the expiry date day, the voicemail system will revert to your previous settings.

To set an out of office voicemail setting:

1. Lift the receiver and press Messages.

2. When prompted for your password, enter your PIN followed by #.

You will be presented with a series of options. To fast track to the option to record a new greeting, enter 8821. There is no need to wait for the options to be read out before entering this number.

3. When prompted, record your greeting and press *.

4. To replay your message, press 73.

5. If you are happy, press #.

You will then be prompted to set the expiration date of the message:

6. Enter the year in 4-digit format that the greeting will expire (e.g. 2016) and then press #.

TIP: to select the current year just press #.

7. Enter the month the greeting will expire (1 = Jan …. 12 = Dec) and then press #.

TIP: to select the current month just press #.

8. Enter the day of month the greeting will expire (1 - 31) and then press #.

TIP: to select the current day just press #.

9. You will hear a confirmation message that your out of office greeting has been set up. This will activate immediately.

Note: The message will de-activate at the end of the expiration date day.

Setting a single day greeting

You can set a greeting to be in place for a single day. At the end of the day, the voicemail system will revert to your previous settings.

1. Lift the receiver and press Messages.

2. When prompted for your password, enter your PIN followed by #.

You will be presented with a series of options. To fast track to the option to record a new greeting, enter 881. There is no need to wait for the options to be read out before entering this number.

3. When prompted, record your greeting and press *.

4. To replay your message, press 73.

5. If you are happy, press #.

6. Your new greeting will now be active (note, you will not be informed). It will expire at the end of the day.

Sending all calls directly to voicemail

You can set voicemail as a preferred device. This means that all calls received go directly to voicemail. To do this, see Set up Voicemail as a Preferred Device

Written by IT Services. Latest revision 14 September 2016
